
I am happy living on my own with a great job and an awesome sister

I am happy because I don't live with my parents and I can do as I wish

I am happy that I'm involved in shaping what children know of God

I am satisfied that I'll never be famous

I'm happy I've knowen two awesome friends who, even though they're no longer with me, shaped my life in more ways than they can know.

I'm excstatic that I know who Buster Keaton is.

I'm happy that I am who I am no matter size or shape.

I'm happy I don't cry at work everyday

I'm happy I'm single

I'm happy I have enough craft projects to keep me busy for the rest of my life!

I'm thrilled that I have my own car

I love my dog

I'm happy the best thing that ever happened to me is yet to happen.

I'm happy I'm learning to be less shy and that I've made drastic changes in this area the past year.

I'm happy I got an antique wingback cusak chair

I love my hair cut and color

I love my ear piercing

I am proud of my movie collection

I'm happy knowing that no matter what I could ever possibly do, God loves me and he'll always guide me and help me make the right life choices.

The only thing worth living for is worth dying for.


From my favorite Chaplin Talkie, The Great Dictator.From a good scene in City Lights.

Just a darn good photo!

Awww! I feel so sad for Buster Keaton!


Hey. I love the 1920's. They were awesome. The woman's fashion was amazing. I wish I could pull of some of those looks!


Well, I totally failed at my post a day scheme. I've posted three times and its February 15th. Maybe I'll try once a month. Or maybe I'll just post whenever and not really care when. Who knows? But it doesn't really matter because nobody reads it anyway.